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How do I find the time to go after my dreams when I’m taking care of so many things - and people - that need my attention? What do I do when I feel derailed and overwhelmed? Where can I find the support that I crave to live my big, bold, wonderful life? And what if I don’t even know what my big dream is?

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, you are in the right place. 

I'm Bevin Farrand, host of All the DAMN Things podcast and founder of the Take the DAMN Chance Movement. Yes, I say DAMN a lot but you’ll come to find that it does mean something! - it stands for Decide and Declare, Attend Your Own Party, Moments not Minutes, and Now is the time! Discovering this simple yet powerful framework has allowed me to create some truly incredible things in my life and to overcome some traumatic experiences as well. 

Join me each week as we explore these four powerful mindsets and how to apply them to your life, along with the moments and ideas that have impacted and changed the lives of my guests. If you are ready to dive in and witness the revelations of those who took their damn chance and get inspired to turn life's unexpected turns into a big, bold, wonderful life, this is the show for you!

Be sure to follow All the DAMN Things wherever you are listening to join me each week with the inspiration to do the crazy and get into all the damn things.

Hey, I'm Bevin, the founder of the Take the DAMN Chance movement. 
In November 2019, my husband Mark took me on a "crazy" whirlwind trip to France for my 40th birthday. Five days later, he did not wake up.
I’ve spent the past three years adjusting to life as a solo parent, while also building a successful business from the ground up. In 2020 I started to ask myself if I wanted to be defined by overcoming loss and the grief that I felt…or if I wanted to be defined by what I create going forward. That is when I started the Take the DAMN Chance movement and went after my biggest, boldest dream to date - choosing to move forward with the IVF that my husband and I had planned before he passed away. In July of 2021 I welcomed my daughter, Mark’s and my third child. 
Using the mindsets of the DAMN Framework, I’ve also built my business from 0 - over $600K in revenue in just 3 ½ years. All while grieving the loss of my husband, in the middle of the pandemic, and being the momma I want to be to these three kiddos.


All the DAMN Things Podcast

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