How I've brought my big big, bold dreams to life — including building a $500K+ business in 3 years, navigating the unexpected loss of my husband, having my 3rd child through IVF after becoming a widow at 40...all while being the best solo parent I can possibly be
And I'll show you exactly how you can do the same with your big dreams!
In this free 5 Video Training, I'll pull back the curtain on exactly how I definited exactly what I want in my life and brought it to life...and how my clients and students do the exact same thing in their own lives!
During these trainings, you'll learn:

You might be wondering who I am....

Hey! I'm Bevin,
the founder of the Take the DAMN Chance® movement and the Do the DAMN Thing Method®. In November of 2019 my husband took me on a "crazy," whirlwind trip to France for my 40th birthday. 
5 days later he did not wake up. 

I've spent the past two and a half years adjusting to a new normal as a solo parent of three kids under 6 and running a successful business as now the solo breadwinner of my family. Living without my best friend and the love of my life by my side has been a devastating new normal that I am navigating daily.
What I've learned from this is that none of us has the luxury of waiting. We never know what's going to happen tomorrow — good or bad — and so we must choose to connect with those we love, do the "crazy" thing, and Take the Damn Chance®.
I'm passionate about sharing this message with the world, bringing real life stories of inspirational people who have taken the leap and done the “crazy” thing that makes all the difference in their lives. And supporting YOU to do the same.