
How often have you debated with yourself whether or not to have that difficult conversation? Is it easier to sweep it under the rug and keep it moving? After my conversation with John Romaniello and Amanda Bucci, the answer is unquestionable - NO! 

They have and use what they call a ?Spotlight Protocol? for having vulnerable, hard, difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations feel safe. This. Is. A. Gamechanger! You will receive guiding prompts on incorporating this or something similar in your life. The benefits are immeasurable.

John is an author and marketing strategist who?s been kicking around the internet since 2002. He?s written articles and books, crested courses and masterclasses, and been both front-facing and behind the scenes in half a dozen businesses. His primary focus is on effective and efficient communication, whether that be in business or personal relationships.

Amanda is a Life & Leadership Coach, Author, and Creative Entrepreneur. She helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using authentic, alignment, and transformational healing strategies.

Highlights from my conversation with John & Amanda: 

John and Amanda explain a very clear set of words and requests for having a vulnerable conversation to feel safe. If you?re feeling inspired to listen, click play, and then let?s continue the chat on Instagram. I would love to hear more about how you are doing the DAMN thing!

Connect with Amanda and John:

Connect with Bevin:

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